Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Who really has control over thier communities...B.A.#11

Humboldt Park was another communtiy that I did a little research on, becasue like my community (Austin) we have one majot thing in common... GANGS! I am curious and interested in learning more about this community that I live in. One because it the largest communtiy of all communititesand two I have little to no  knowledge about the things that  happens around me in this community if its not associated/affiliate with gangs. What really amazed me was that this community is 90% African American which was a total shock to me! When you mention the "Austin Area"one never stop to think about how highly populated of the african american race, you think this is a nice community and a great place to live. Bording Oak Park you automatically think this is a great place to live. I have been living in this community for almost ten years and I am embarrassed to say again that my knowledge of thing that happens here and I have a clue as to the culture aspect it which it represents.
Its sad to say that the people who influence this community are the gang members. Even known politicians(aldermen/and beat members) are or have been controlled by such a thing. The gang leaders intrigue me because they have so much power over just about anything in the community. It stop and make one think, is this what our community/generation has come too? And why has nothing been done or being done to stop it? Its amazing how the drug members can take over city blocks and even neighborhood stores.
We as a community often argue how the police  are suppose to serve and protect. Where is the protection when the MOST of the drug members work for the police? This community  is highly stereotyped on the fact  that its population is 90% black and because of the many stereotypes that we as African Americas face( lazy, loud, nasty, disrespectful, always looking for a handout, thieves and  drug dealers) is a major controversy.
Breaking this community down would be somewhat fairly easy. North of Harrison Ave back to North Ave back to Central Ave would be the breakdown  of this vastly large community. These are mainly highly general gang affiliated areas, with abandon buildings on almost every blocks gangs mainly control this community. As a hardworking woman, seeing how gangs are taking over or running this area, who do we really respect...the politicians, policemen or the gang members?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Another interesting Community Beside Mine (Austin Area) B.A.#10

Humboldt Park is another communtiy that I happen to be semi surrounded by and i find it quite interesting. Here is what http://www.city-data.com/neighborhood/Humboldt-Park-Chicago-IL.html had to say about H.P. It si considered and area that is predominately Puerto Rican. Actually, today there are just as many African Americans as Puerto Ricans and a small percentage of others.

Know for Puerto Rican influence as celebration. Houses resturants of multiple ethnicities such as Mexican, Chinese, Columbian and Danish. And its name sake park is scattered with statues of famous German, Scandinavians and Poles(polish). http://encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/617.html

I think Wikipedia should incoporate more cultural influences outside of the well know Puerto Rican community, instead it seems to focus more on community organizations (gangs)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Austin Area where everything is not as it seems

Well of course I would choose my OWN community, because I think its a great one!  The Austin community is in the heart of Chicago westsides. According to the U.S. Census in 2000 w http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/SAFFFacts?_event=ChangeGeoContext&geo_id=86000US60624&_geoContext=01000US%7C04000US17%7C05000US17031&_street=&_county=&_cityTown=&_state=04000US17&_zip=60624&_lang=en&_sse=on&ActiveGeoDiv=geoSelect&_useEV=&pctxt=fph&pgsl=010&_submenuId=factsheet_1&ds_name=DEC_2000_SAFF&_ci_nbr=null&qr_name=null&reg=null%3Anull&_keyword=&_industry  were know as the largest communty with a population of 117, 527, with almost 90% of that is african american.Austin has several landmarks designed by great architects Fredrick Schock and Frank Lloyd Wright. You can view some of Wrights beautifully designed homes in the Oak Park one of the surrounding suburbs in this area.

Austin Town Hall Park fieldhouse was modeled after Independence Hall in Phildelphia, where the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution was adapted, which is very beautiful if I may say so myself. And during the summer months they have so many events to keep the children occupied. My favorite is movies in the park. They get this HUGE screen and play all different types of movies while the sun is setting over the park, which is a very beautiful site.

The Austin Community is a great area to live, everything is conviently located via bus or the "L" (green line). We have a variety of supermarkets  and several shopping center and hardware stores and we also recently opened a movie theater on Central and Grand ave, not short from our district police station.

Besides the daily activites of crimes (drug related, domestic or just your everyday fight), and really what neighborhood doesnt experience at least one of these, its a wonderful community. You should stop by and pay us a visit.